Cleaning the barn has now become a family project. Derek and I washed more pipelines today, and Dad and Ryan helped Mom and Jennilea start to use the power washer and shop vac to wash the interior walls of the barn. Ryan then went to mow more hay to put in the silo. I have always been proud of the cleanliness of our farm. Dad does a good job up keeping the farm well maintained and all of us kids grew up learning how to keep the barn looking pretty nice. It is a barn; don't get me wrong, there is dirt, dust, manure, bugs and more. But, we keep the walks swept, the trough in front of the cows cleaned out, the animals bedded, milk house cleaned... we keep it picked up pretty well. All in all, we have a decent looking barn. Well, now that we are starting to "houseclean" the barn, I have realized how much dust is actually in there! It has been kind of fun though to see things get nice and shiny. I am proud of the care and time that my parents have put forth to keeping our home looking good and being functional. All of us kids have a good example to follow on how to take responsibility for our actions, and possessions.
Living on a farm is full of routine and "sameness" but we have also learned to always expect the unexpected. Today, we had a packed full day. Mom and Jennilea had to do some errands in town, dad and Ryan were working on mowing and chopping hay to put into the silo, and Derek and I were washing off pipelines in the barn. We were all going about our different jobs when we get a phone call. A hay dealer called us (he buys hay and then takes it to other parts of the country and sells it again), he needed to finish filling his tractor trailer with hay within the hour and was wondering if we could help him out... dad told him to come on over. This meant that we had to fit loading out a tractor trailer load of hay (approx 400 bales) into our schedule.
We all adjusted. Dad went out and moved the elevator, I called into work (I work part time at a daycare) and was able to push back my start time a little, and Ryan had to wait to start chopping, then everyone inhaled some lunch. Just as we were finishing eating, the trailer arrived. Dad, Ryan, Derek and I all stuffed our last bites into our mouths and headed out to the barn. Mom stayed inside to take care of lunch dishes, and Jennilea went to her first day of work at a new job (milking cows for a local farmer). By the end of the day, all normal chores were done, some hay had been chopped for the silo, and Jennilea and I worked our normal shifts at our outside jobs. It got crazy... but that is farm life. It is predictable in the unpredictability. |
AuthorHello, if you are a follower of this blog you will remember that Angela was doing the blogs. Well, things have gotten busy for her and so Stan, her dad, is filling in for now. I am not as techno savy as her so I am not sure how this will work but I am going to try and post on a hopefully regular basis. Archives
March 2016